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Communiqué : The newsletter from Dave Hamptong, the Carbon Coach

ISSUE 31 : 2 MARCH 2010

Hello %$firstname$%

New decade, new website, new Dave Hampton

Since my last website and the first edition of Communiqué were launched in 2005 the years (unlike me) have flown! So, I decided my online, virtual presence needed something of a reinvention in order to keep up with the offline, actual one. Hence the fresh new look to this edition of Communiqué and the bright, dynamic new face of www.carboncoach.com.

As you'll see, my passions and pursuits (both personal and professional) are still bound together with a carbon-reducing theme, but there are quite a few that I've not introduced Communiqué readers and website visitors to in the past.

So, while the next edition of Communiqué will revert to a rather less Dave-focussed format, for now I hope you'll enjoy discovering a little more about little old me. Read on to find out about:

• A very engaging offer: earn money for referring me to new clients

• Low-carbon leaders: Carbon Coaching for the rich and famous

• Saving businesses money: steering the course to sustainability

• Putting the low Into Marlow: how I'm helping the town reduce its carbon

Right, I must dash: I've been invited to a dinner in the Great Hall at Chelsea Football Club, where I’ve been asked to announce the winner of Sustain magazine's 2010 Award for Communication. Should be a good night!

Until next time

Dave's signature

Dave Hampton, The Carbon Coach
E dave@carboncoach.com   T 07768 806451  www.carboncoach.com


A very engaging offer

Dave Hampton delivering a keynote speechI love public speaking and, as luck would have it, it seems that the public love listening. I specialise in making the climate/carbon message accessible and entertaining at public events, or in interviews for radio, TV and other media.

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SPECIAL OFFER: You can earn up to 20% of my fee when you introduce me to someone who engages me as a speaker. Email me for details...


Could you be a low-carbon leader?

I've a growing number of rich, famous and influential clients who are taking the first steps to rising above the celebrity crowd and becoming known as low-carbon leaders.

If you want to see how you can live a high-income or high-profile life while lowering your carbon (and leading the way for others), I'm here to help.

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Balloon filled with CO2Steer a more sustainable course

I frequently work with businesses to help them plan the best way to measure and reduce their carbon emissions. I save companies time and money by providing a macro common-sense audit of the sustainability, reputation, resilience, risk and reward issues that need to steer the business.

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Transition Town Marlow

I'm one of the founder members of a committed team of people establishing Marlow as a thriving Transition Town, a community equipped for the dual challenges of climate change and peak oil. My goal is to help reframe low-carbon lifestyles as aspirational, interesting, attractive and desirable.

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